RDPSD Division Wide Staff Learning Day 2025
Friday April 4, 2025 10:15am - 11:30am MDT
In this session we will be walking through some of the resources that have already been created for Science 4-6, but at the same time seeking to hear what teachers would like to see in their science classes in the year ahead. If you have some ideas of resources that should be considered essential for the kits that will accompany the activity books (that should be published this summer) please come to this session to share your ideas of what we need to have to really ensure that our students are learning this new science curriculum through means that they enjoy.
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Nate Siler

Science Coordinator, Red Deer Public School Division
Nate Siler is the science coordinator for Red Deer Public School Division. He has been working on many materials for the new science curriculum, much of which can be found at the website mentioned in this profile. There's nothing that he loves more than some people attending his sessions... Read More →
Friday April 4, 2025 10:15am - 11:30am MDT

Attendees (3)

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