8:30am MDT
10:15am MDT
Gathering, Interpreting and Using Data for Informing Instruction 2406Janice Hagan
Reporting Learning and Parent Engagement 2404Shannon Ireland
Classroom Management - Beyond the Basics 1309ATA Workshop Presenter #6
Emotional De-escalation in the Classroom 1604Sue Huff
Leveraging Self-Efficacy to Build Resiliency in Students 2403Sean Grainger
Neurosequential Model in Education - strategies to be used in Elementary for success in schools 1341Tori Deans • Janice Kutney
Recognizing and Addressing Anxiety in Schools 1319ATA Workshop Presenter #9
Regulation and Resilience: Supporting Students with Challenging Behaviour 1317ATA Workshop Presenter #7
Restorative Practices in Schools: Building Community, Empathy, and Accountability 1508Kimbely Darling • Kevin Roberstson
Collaboration - How to do it effectively 2105Kurtis Hewson
Addressing Diverse Learning Needs in Classrooms 1318ATA Workshop Presenter #8
Supporting Middle and High School Students with Learning Disabilities 2304Jared Froese
Take a LEAP: Unlearning Racial Bias 1308ATA Workshop Presenter #5
EAs Working with EAL Students in the Inclusive Classroom 1334Gaylene Mackay
UDL Meets EAL - Empowerment for All Learners 1307ATA Workshop Presenter #3
Understanding EAL benchmarks - Overview, Q&A, practice 2309Amy Nye
General Articulation Strategies & Communikit: Bringing Language Goals to Playtime 2213Paige O'Dwyer
The Power of Play - Engaging Learners of All Ages 1306ATA Workshop Presenter #1
Building Vocabulary with Morphology in Mind 1324Charlie Kraig
Literacy Bins: Enhancing Learning Through Play and Real-Life Connections 2202Amber Cooke
Science of Reading in the Classroom 1327Christine Squire
The Writing Revolution - Infusing Writing Throughout Core Curricula 2501Sherri Jansen
Be An Upstander: Finding Hope in Complex Times 2402Sarah Adomako-Ansah
Priorities and Perspectives: Inclusive Perspectives that Benefit ALL Students 2211Lyssa Horyn
Indigenous Games and Math Connections 1203Brian St.Germain
Learning Metis History Through Music and Dance 1635 (Small Gym)Ethan Graves • Brianna Lizotte
Meeting the Needs of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Students in the Classroom 1335Hayley Christen
Metis Connections in Art 1414Rhonda Eidem
Collaborating to Build Capacity and Expertise 1320ATA Workshop Presenter #10
Destiny Tips & Tricks 1201
(Learning Commons)Leanne Gosse
Helping Our Students REALLY Understand Fractions Grades 4-6 1326Chris Zarski
MathUP - K-3 2212Michelle Skene
Vertical Alignment in Math from Grade 7/8 to 9/10 1332Rachelle Fallis • Dan Henry • Justin Moltzahn
Supporting Administrative Programs (PowerSchool, SchoolEngage, HelpDesk, etc) 1401David Lorenson • Crystal Pell
Building Strong Foundations: Structure, Scope, and Strategies for Meaningful Elementary Physical Education for Division 1 & 2 1639
(Large Gym)Adam Sillery
Igniting Curiosity: Bringing Science Fair to Your Classroom or School 2201Lindsay Unland
Inside Education Division III / IV Presentation 2307Inside Education Presenter
Science 4-6 - What Already Exists, and What We Will Plan for the Future 2306Nate Siler
Researching with Littles 1325Janene Baile
The MAG - 6-12 Field Trips and Lending Kits 2303Kathryn Huedepohl
Unlocking the Power of Digital Storytelling with ArcGIS Story Maps 2305Tatum Pascal
AI Explorations for Educators 1409Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) Speaker
AI Resistant Assessment in an AI World 1302Addie Otto
Brightspace Tips & Tricks for Middle and High School 1305Whitney Williams • Heather Lochhead
Gizmos: Online Simulations Supporting the New Elementary Math and Science Curricula 1344Karen Blumhagen
Integrating Technology in Classrooms: Hands-On Learning for Division 1 Teachers 1342Jenna Northrup • Jasmine Pelham
Using Magic School as a Student's Tool: AI Powered Learning in Action 1333Tracy Wirtanen