Dive into the Science of Reading with a focus on English Additional Learners (EALs). This session expands on the traditional five pillars of reading to include oral language development, providing strategies to meet the unique needs of multilingual learners and foster their literacy success.
EAL Benchmarks 2.0 are used throughout the division to track the language development of English Language Learners. Learn more about this assessment tool and how to effectively use EAL Benchmarks 2.0 to monitor and support the language development of your ELLs.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a powerful framework that can significantly enhance educational outcomes for all students, including students who are English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners. This workshop aims to empower educators with practical strategies to create inclusive and effective learning environments where all students, including those with diverse linguistic backgrounds, can thrive.
This session will provide an overview of the new EAL benchmarks and give teachers time to learn about this new tool and ask any questions they may have about the benchmarking process. We will also look at how the new benchmarking tools can be used to effectivley plan for EAL instruction in the inclusive classroom.